Friday, June 26, 2009


I was telling a story. I was holding a hot lighter in my hand.

End result?

You Decide:

(A) A really cool little (by "little" I mean the exact crescent shape the hot metal top of a generic bic lighter makes when pressed moderately on one's sensitive inner elbow area) scar.

(B)A really cool little* scar.

Please submit your answer before 1200pm June 30th, 2009. Expect result by 1200pm July 1, 2009 . Thank you for your time.

*little: Exact crescent shape the hot metal top of a generic Bic lighter makes when pressed moderately on the sensitive inner elbow area of the arm.


Thursday, June 25, 2009


Apparently by saying, "I think I'm going back to the old colors. This blue, blue...." I meant something along the lines of, "Blue sucks, Green is better."


I think I'm going back to the old colors. This blue, blue, blue, on blue layout doesn't work.

My apologies for the incohesive transition.

Thankful Thursday

Seeing as it's been a week since I have posted last, I feel it's only appropriate to post what I am thankful for...

1. Talking with long lost friends!! I love you Martha!
2. Having a wonderful boyfriend, he brought his xbox downstairs so he could sit right next to me because my internet doesn't work upstairs. :)
3. Sunshine.
4. Vince. He is by far the most amazing creature I have ever known. Such a good dog. Thanks for loving me back boy.
5. And Jubs, always good for a laugh, because he's not really a dog, he's a dust mop.