Saturday, November 6, 2010


Do you ever find you have these amazing thoughts, ideas, views, or stories run through your mind and once you sit down to write them they vanish?

Why is that?

Does the universe (or God, or our subconscious, or however one may believe) want us to keep these things to ourselves? Or is it just bad memory?

Maybe I should walk around with a tape recorder in my pocket. Oh, and by tape recorder I mean little piece of plastic with a button and red light on it, that holds up to 18 hours of recorded digital sound, available in pink, black, or dark blue...

Oh technology.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

It's That Time Again....

Thankful A-Thursday...

the office, language, homemade cookies, peanut butter, and vanilla ice cream.

seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching.

funny quotes

good coffee

a really really good dog

shaded trails, with fall colors and a running streams- tucked neatly amidst beautiful little houses

cuddly mornings
cuddly evenings
kisses whenever I want them
kisses whenever he wants them

a son who LOVES the snow, the color green, and heavy metal music

living a life full of love.