It's been a while since I've sat down to clickity clack away. :)
Life is good.
I'm battling a cold, that really only took me out of commission for a few hours, but has been sticking around for a few days. I've been up on the mountain, and down in the valley. I've been to a Christmas party, and have written a few letters. Budgeted, organized, planned, and processed. Not a bad week.
This is a random thought blog entry.
Facebook is fascinating, isn't it? I don't play any Farmville games or anything like that (though I used to). I have used it to reconnect. Granted- it's through comments and pictures, messages, and whatnots, but I still connect with them. There are so many wonderful people out there! I don't spend hours scouring facebook for things to do, or pictures to comment on. A little here, a little there. I have pretty much deleted or ignored anyone who stirs up drama, or puts others down. Just not my cup of tea. Though I don't agree that FB should default everything to public, once you change all your settings and filter your friends, it's a great social network. Could be why there's a quawbillion (technical term) users. Regardless, I enjoy it. "Liking" things can get a bit out of hand, but why not. I dig the fact there's no dislike button. Just a little push into positive thinking... at least that's how I see it.
Well, it's probably time to get to work. I have a good job, so I should probably start doing something useful ::chuckle::.