Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dear Lifted,

If I were to describe how I feel about dancing again... it would go something like this:


I googled the word "yay!" and whilst browsing the images I found myself a little disappointed. Not as many cool pictures as one would assume.

I guess that's what I get for assuming. ;)

Regardless, dance class was a freaking blast and I am so very very excited for next week (and the next, and the next, and the...).

What's made you smile this week? I know it's barely begun but if you haven't smiled yet... well... that's just not cool. We can do something about that.

How about an assignment? Take, find, or make a picture and tag it Yay! where ever you put it. Something that represents the word better than the current lot. Spread the word. Let's make the magic happen.

Or, at least think about doing it.


Monday, March 7, 2011


WOW, what was that annoying noise? Oh right- ME!

I am excited, giddy, ecstatic even!
Tomorrow, I have my very first beginner ballet class :) :)
Consider me a kid on Christmas Eve with jittery giggles.

Oh, that and.... and...

(is the suspense killing you yet?)

wait for it....

I framed seven select pieces of my artwork, to be sold to the public! Ahaha! It's a fairly big thing for me for a few reasons. Mostly because being able to "let go" of my work is an extremely recent development. My goal was to frame nine pieces, but I broke one of the frames in transit from the store (what do you expect with me carrying that many frames, a cutting board, mat boards, and various other supplies from the store to my truck in the POURING rain hehe), and the other frame isn't the right size.

I cut all the mats by hand so they've got a little character, but they're not bad for my first time.

The drawings will be posted on etsy.com, and I'll post a linkadee somewhere on the side of my blog- in case you'd like to take a peak. Even if you don't want to buy my art in particular, the website etsy.com IS AWESOME for everything handmade (and some things vintage).

Thanks for stopping by! I'll say g'night with a little diddy:

A too rah loo
Skiddle bee poo
Dunkuh dora mora
Hi buh lu buh VOO!