So many ways to go.
I officially declined my position at Petco. I hadn't even started yet and I was given a HUGE run around, and my all time favorite, "Uhm...yes, I talked to thee... manager... and we don't pay for travel."
Hm. Right.
Now I wait to hear about the job interview. It went well. I believe as well as it could. I am concerned about my experience (or lack thereof) being the reason I am not consdered for the job. I hate that. I completely understand. I still hate it.
She told me it may be a few weeks before I hear back from her. As you can guess, I am hoping it's sooner than that.
Now- the "wrench" is this.
We had made the decision not to go this summer and do the whole -moving-to-a-new-city-and-living-in-an-apt-dealing-with-driving-far-and-commission-based-pay-thing.
We decided no because this year it is in Pennsylvania. That's just too far to move for 4 months and turn around to come back.
Plans may be changing. 70% chance I have been told. Sacramento.
That. Would. Be. Awesome.
So, for right now we are waiting to hear back about my job interview. If I get the job, we will stay. If I don't, and it's for sure in Sacramento, we will go.
We will come back with money to buy a house, too. That's the biggest incentive.
I can't get houses off my brain. I wish there was a way to know if the market would be better for buyers when we got back.
::shrug:: Oh well, I know that everything will work out and be the way it should be.
Oh! Oh! I had my first temptation for meat yesterday too. More precisely the morning. I was so hungry and didn't want to munch on something like a granola bar or toast. I wanted some taquitos.
I didn't eat them.
..but I think it's starting. Temptations are starting. The "oi vey's" are starting.
I will be strong. I will push through. ::sings:: I will survive!
Heh. I know, I'm silly. I just wanted something pretty simple.
I made nachos. They were Yummeh. They satisfied.
are you talking about doing apx again? if so, are you referring to brandon and karen changing their office to sacramento?
ReplyDeleteYou did the right thing turning down that job. For them to ask you to drive all that distance and not compensate you for it, when they gave you no alternative to train closer is unacceptable.
ReplyDeleteEverything will fall into place the way it should, if it's not meant to be right now, it won't...but I'll hope for you that whatever you're wanting you get. I know you're just aching to get out from under your MIL's roof and have your own space. BIG HUGS and good JuJu sent your way.