I have said it before- and I just might say it again... we'll see.
My kid is testing his limits. I know every child does it at this age, but he ONLY does it when we hang around other kids his age that get away with everything. I am not saying that the people..err... parents... I know are terrible or that they don't know how to control their child- but SERIOUSLY>> he only acts out like this after being exposed to other kids that are crazy!
It takes a day or two to get him back to "normal" and it makes me want to keep him away from all these crazy children. I am not going to prohibit him from social interaction (sheesh, what do you take me for?)- I will just have to buck up myself and hang on for the bumpy ride following the interactions. This makes me an awesome parent. I know, I'm conceited. LOL.
In all reality I wish I could keep him calm and behaved like he normally is... but where's the fun in that? How do I get to learn if he isn't teaching me?
Unfortunatly it's the beginnings of that terrible 2/3 stage. Jacob used to be the sweetest most well behaved child ever I thought. Now it's the "I don't like that food" or "I don't like you Mom" or hitting his sister or grabbing random things on the shelves at the store. This phase is rough and apparently lasts a while. I can't wait until it's over and I have my Jake back. It's a hard age, kinda like 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 is. You love them, but you have no idea what's going on in their heads sometimes. I'm glad he's still great when it's just the two of you, but hang on tight cause it's a bumpy ride in the future.