It's nice to know.... wait, strike that....
It's AMAZING to know I have a place, we have a place, to go. I can't even think straight. I only slept for about 4 hours last night (not due to stress, just due to not wanting to sleep) and as I was passed out on my bed in the middle of the day I received a call that changed the entire course of my day, week, etc...
You have practically saved my life. I know we could have found something in Utah, but only after hotel hopping and spending a fortune on payday loans, etc. I can't even begin (OK that's a lie- I can begin and actually have begun) to thank you so much. I will thank you every day. I will thank you for the rest of my life, I will always be in your debt, and you should know I have cried at least seven times because of your generosity. You are bringing me closer to our ultimate goal... but most of all... closer to home.
It's going to feel really good to be home, I know it. And you, Jake, have helped us out more than you may know. I love you so much, and always will.
Even though we didn't talk on the phone or email everyday, see each other all the time, stay connected at the hip, or even stay as connected as we could have- we are still the closest we can be. You can depend on me for anything. If there is ever something you may need, Jacquee, my love, you know you don't even have to ask... I will be standing there in front of you with my arms outstretched for a big hug, and then whatever it is you need.
I can't wait to be (physically) close to you again! You are such a beautiful person inside and out (how cliche but how perfect). Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you,
Im SO happy you are going to be close again! Video games here we come ; ) Hehehe. Love you!!