Thursday, July 9, 2009


Alright, Virginia, calm down hun.

Why is she so excited (and for that matter why is she referring to herself in the third person?)?

Well, fellow bloggity people-

A few weeks ago I applied to almost 40 ads on for jobs resembling the "administrative assistant" position.

I have received ONE response. This ONE response was from a law firm I was highly interested in... Ironic? Or positive energy working its magic? I was/am so giddy I couldn't sleep passed 8am this morning! Hehe. I'm silly, but I am keeping a smile on my face and staying positive. This feels really good- and I have a strong will to keep my head on straight during the interview. I, as many of you know, have a tendency to get really excited and although "high-energy" was one of the requirements for the job, I don't think I should spoil all my efforts by jumping up and down in my seat after boss shows me to my desk...

I had a wonderfully beautiful dream last night, too. Thanks Mom for coming to say hi. Since when are ostriches your favorite bird?

I digress.

It's what I do.

Back to the point at hand: I am super excited. I am happy. I am keeping my head held high and my hopes firm in place. I am always hopeful. I am always positive. If it's meant to be (and I surely hope it is!) then it will be.

Wish me luck and send good vibes (yes- that's a demand). Love you, my friends.


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